15 August, 2011

Giving a Helping Hand — Get Your Tickets Now!

It's, as always, been an extremely busy summer for the dog rescue. They work with other rescues and shelters to look after medical needs of incoming dogs, foster, and rehome innocent dogs. The souls for whom people no longer have any time especially since it is time for their vacation and 'dog' becomes an inconvenience. Remember, pets are part of your family so remember that before ever deciding to bring one into your home.

In order to continue their work, the rescue is in need of donations. In order to do this, they have fundraising events. Please consider these three upcoming events that may interest you (see above tabs for more information):

August 28th: Doggy Swim at Dovercourt Recreational Centre

September 9th: Going to the Dogs Dinner and Race Night is a fundraiser Responsible Dog Owners of Canada and Therapeutic Paws of Canada.

September 24th: The Golf Tournament is a fundraiser

Get your friends together for some fun because they will all be a blast. The more the merrier and all to help our angels!

I hope to see you all there!!


mel said...

I'm going to the GTTD event!

And totally off topic: LOVE the new blog look!

Donna said...

Yah, Mel. I hope you're bringing lots of friends!

Thanks on the new look! Unfortunately, I didn't design it but it is groovy.

I'm glad the alien has found his new home. Geez, he's cute. No more fosters at the moment?

mel said...

No, not til next week. I'm flying home in a couple of days so there's no point. We're taking Tequila when we get home, though. Poor monkey has been in foster for a while now.