28 February, 2010

The Fundraiser

I took part in a fundraiser for a dog rescue to clip nails. MA had brought Maeve and Zeus in the night before for dress rehearsal for the dogwear fashion show. Apparently, that didn't go so well because of all the activity, noise and other dogs. It was way too stressful for them and understandably so. I offered up Zeetie thinking she would be great and had Don bring her in. Well, who was I kidding. She was terribly stressed out, drooling and barking at dogs who came near her. I really thought she would be okay but the true Zeetz never came through. Poor girl.

Everyone who met her asked what her mix was : / All I can say is that she has all Pyr markings, double dew claws and great tail. She doesn't have the same Clara coat and she certainly doesn't have the size. Her muzzle is finer. I think her small stature is due to malnutrition as a pup. My friend, Leslie, has a rescue horse whom I met when he was a year old. He looked more like a foal and hasn't grown much. This was because his mom died early on and he never received the nourishment he should have.

What an amazingly well-organized event. MA did tarot card reading, Sue made a multitude of baked goods, sewed dogs coats, blankets and beds, slippers and mittens. MA's daughter, Kadri manned the door and sold tickets, another friend of MA's did massages, another one gave out official pirate certificates and bandanas. And so much more.

The nice leather leash is in pieces. It was left on top of her 'house' and when I arrived home the other day, there it was. Little Zeetz had such a good time, I know, ripping it into shreds. We don't seem to learn.

I am signing her up for carting classes that start in June. It'll give the little mouse some work to do when she isn't squeaking her toys, watching a toy fall down the stairs, chasing after it, and then running back up the stairs with it.

She finished her antiobiotics on Monday and then yesterday, Thursday, she scooted a few times. She has an appointment for Monday March the 8th to see what the vet has missed. I may postpone the appointment as she hasn't scooted since. This is so frustrating but I guess not as annoying as it is for Zeetie.

It's Sunday, March 7th today and it is very quiet downstairs. Those two are exhausted after a busy day today. Zeetie becomes so stressed about the car although she jumps right in after the initial balking. And then, the seemingly endless drool that pours out of her mouth begins. Anyone who saw her would think she were rabid. We went to my mom's so she could meet Zeetz. She was very unsure about going into the building but she came. She refused to go up the stairs to the second floor so we took the elevator. She crouched low to the floor and then down the hall to mom's. She liked mom, of course.

We had two big walks today. The one in the Arboretum took its toll on her, for sure. She ran forever, investigating every nook and cranny especially now that spring has sprung and the smells are seeping up from the deeps of the earth.

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