20 August, 2010

Socially Inept Zeetie

A busker playing the recorder (I believe) was playing 'Downtown' so lovely as I stood on the street corner downtown this morning. It put a smile on my face so he got a well-deserved reward.

What was I thinking when I thought the CAT (constructional aggressional treatment) would fix her for life? My understanding and it makes sense, that it will only work in the environment in which we were to work with her. So, back to the stuff that makes sense to me. One always has to take what they have learned and continue with that. It was pretty much what I would have done with Lynn and I learned a few different techniques but basically the same idea. Zeetie has good bite inhibition (whew!) so it's all noise coming from her.

After having them on leashes and Zeetie seemed comfortable, off leash they went. Once Zeetz started sniffing the other dog, she barked and growled. Draeger (sp?) the Shepherd defended himself with barks and growls and then Zeetie walked away, head turned barking back at him and that was it. This is typically Zeetie's reaction to dogs on leash. They joined up again and Zeetie did the play bow and all was well.

The conclusion was Zeetie is socially inept. She was probably tied up in a yard and dogs may have come at her and she couldn't defend herself. She now has a fear and we have to work with her to get her over that.

I have some stuff with which to work and have already practised it. She is a quick learner, my little mushroom.

I've been talked into a practice Draft Dog Competition session in September. I still don't think I want to compete but it'll be good for Zeetie and me to get out there. Make sure I have her harness fitted properly and the cart is hooked up well. And, more practice on her not being afraid of other dogs. Clever girl!

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